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    1.Malathy , G ,”Smart Covid-19 Pandemic Alert through Blockchain - powered Artificial Inteligence Collaboration”,IETE Journal of Research.(Annex-1) under review.

    2.Malathy, G, “Secured Encrypted Data with Authorized Deduplication in Cloud”, International Journal of Current Science, Vol 12, No.2, 2022.

    3.Malathy, G, Sarumathi,S,”Enhancement of Dual-Criteria Scheduling using Reservation Cluster”, International Journal of Printing Packaging & allied Sciences,Vol.4, No.3, 2016 (Annexure-I)

    4.Malathy, G, Geethu Elizabeth Mathew “Direction based Heuristic for Path finding in Video Games”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No.9, 2015. (Annexure-II)

    5.Malathy, G, Krishnan  “Data Aggregation  using RSA  key Management      Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Innovative     Research in Science Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, 1, 2014

    6.Malathy, G, Kiruthika “Job Scheduling based on Virtual Abstraction in Cloud”, SeventhSense Research Group, Vol.10, No.7, 2014

    7.Malathy, G, Kiruthika “Exploring Dynamic Mobile Tasks by Resourcing Cloud storage and Virtualization”,   International   Journal   of   Applied   Engineering   Research,Vol   10,No 20,2014.((Annexure-II)

    8.Malathy, G, Kiruthika “Parallel Job Scheduling using Data Center abstraction in Cloud”,International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science, Vol.01, No.05, 2014.

    9.Parkavi B, Malathy G,”An Effective Resource Utilization by using MEASY Algorithm in Cloud”, CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication,Vol.5 ,No.11,2013

    10.Malathy, G, Somasundaram, Rm & Vidhya, G  2012, ‘A Survey of Various Workflow Scheduling  Algorithms  and  Map  Reduce  Method  in  Cloud  Environment’,  International Journal of Communications and Engineering, ISSN NO: 0988-0382E, vol. 6, no. 6, issue .1, pp.60-65.

    11.Malathy, G & Somasundaram, Rm 2012, ‘Performance Enhancement in Cloud Computing using  Reservation  Cluster’, European  Journal  of  Scientific Research,  ISSN:1450-216X,vol.86, no.3, pp.394-401.

    12.Malathy, G, Somasundaram, Rm & Duraiswamy, K 2012, ‘Performance Improvement in Cloud  Computing  using Resource  Clustering’,  Journal  of  Computer  Science, DOI:10.3844/jcssp.2013,vol.9,issue.6,pp.671-677.(Annexure-II)

    13.Malathy  G,      Somasundaram,   Rm   &   Duraiswamy,   K      2012,   ‘Checkpoint-Based FaultIdentification  in  Cloud  Computing  Tasks’, International  Journal  of  Engineering Research & Technology, e-ISSN, vol.1, issue. 8, pp. 1-6

    14.Malathy, G,  Sarumathi,  S,  Sakthivel,  S,”A  Neoteric  Approach for  Clustering  DNA Amoebean based on Jibe Index”, Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 35-42,2010

    15.Malathy, G,  Sarumathi, S  ,  “Survey  on  Grid  Scheduling”,  Journal  of  Computer Applications, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 22-29, 2010


    1.Filed a patent as Co-Innovator in “Machine Learning Approach to Automated     Attendance Monitoring System, Application No.202241074545, Dated 21.12.22

    2.Filed a patent as Co-Innovator in “Enhance Stress Detection in Social Network  Messages with  IoT and Machine Learning, Application  No.202441058856, Dated 04.08.24


    1.G.Malathy , "Big Data Analytics" ,RK Publications, Chennai in 2023, ISBN: 978-81-960402-7-7.

    2.Dr.Malattthi Sivasundaram , "Machine Learning Techniques" ,CHARULATHA Publications, Chennai in 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6260-245-9.

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