TNEA Counselling Code : 2613

+914288 - 274213

Information Technology

Information Technology

Information Technology

About Information Technology Department


          The Department of Information Technology was started in 2001 It offers UG - B.Tech.(IT), PG - M.Tech.(IT) (Statrted in the Year 2012), and Ph,D (Started in the Year 2017) Programme and all the programmes are affiliatied by Anna University, Chennai and approved by AICTE, New Delhi. This department is functioning as approved Research Centre by the Anna University, Chennai  With an excellent laboratory and research facilities, the programme was got Permanent Affiliation from Anna University Chennai and got Accreditation of NBA, The Department of Information Technology is the oldest department in this institution and it occupy a prominent place. The faculty members are dedicated to teaching with the desire of taking research. We have well equipped and furnished IT lab with state-of-art technologies, having connected by campus Area Networks with 180 Mbps high-speed internet connectivity. The department focuses on the overall performance of building IT professionals and our students are focused on the use of the conceptual understanding of core domain areas in Computing as well as enhanced programming skills disseminating their analytical abilities. Our aim is to provide our students with lifelong learning and leadership skills that enable them to grow in their professions and advance to positions of responsibility by effective Industry-Institute Interaction. The Department has an excellent placement record and the placed students are in prestigious software industries all over the world.


Above 90 %
More than 90 %
Indexed Journals
70 % Experience
Faculties with Ph.D
1500 +
Alumni Networks

Our Prominent Recruiters


  • To produce excellent and competent software professional, researchers and responsible engineers, who can significantly contribute to environment friendly societal industry through quality education. 



  • To make the students competitive and efficient in technical field through technological transformations’ in Information Technology, by providing them advanced curriculum, infrastructure and nurturing human values.
  • To provide an excellent forum for higher studies that leads to careers as Computer and IT professionals in the widely diversified domains of industry, government and academia. 

Programme Details


Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs): (Information Technology)

  • PEO 1: Engineering Acquaintance:Incorporate with necessary background in science and engineering fundamentals to analyze and solve IT problems and prepare them skilled manpower in the field of IT for subsequently generation.
  • PEO 2: Modern Technical Tools:Enhance in latest programming languages, technologies, software development process and communication technology.
  • PEO 3: Personality Development:Attain a successful career in industry through effective communication skills, team spirit, learning ethical responsibilities, attitude and adaptation to emerging technologies.

Programme Outcomes (POs) of B.Tech. - Information Technology

Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  • PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, computing, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization as specified in WK1 to WK4 respectively to develop to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions with consideration for sustainable development. (WK1 to WK4)
  • PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design creative solutions for complex engineering problems and design/develop systems/components/processes to meet identified needs with consideration for the public health and safety, whole-life cost, net zero carbon, culture, society and environment as required. (WK5)
  • PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Conduct investigations of complex engineering problems using research-based knowledge including design of experiments, modelling, analysis & interpretation of data to provide valid conclusions. (WK8).
  • PO5: Engineering Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering & IT tools, including prediction and modelling recognizing their limitations to solve complex engineering problems. (WK2 and WK6).
  • PO6: The Engineer and The World: Analyze and evaluate societal and environmental aspects while solving complex engineering problems for its impact on sustainability with reference to economy, health, safety, legal framework, culture and environment. (WK1, WK5, and WK7).
  • PO7: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, human values, diversity and inclusion; adhere to national & international laws. (WK9)
  • PO8: Individual and Collaborative Team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse/multi-disciplinary teams.
  • PO9: Communication: Communicate effectively and inclusively within the engineering community and society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations considering cultural, language, and learning differences.
  • PO10: Project Management and Finance: Apply knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, and to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO11: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability for i) independent and life-long learning ii) adaptability to new and emerging technologies and iii) critical thinking in the broadest context of technological change. (WK8)

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • PSO1: Technical competency: Analyze a problem, design algorithm, identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution and implement the same.
  • PSO2: Professional awareness: Contribute core universal values and social good in the community.

Curriculum & Syllabus (B.Tech. – Information Technology)

We adopt the syllabus framed by the Anna University Chennai. Care is taken to keep the syllabus up to date and in tune with the requirements of the industry.

Curriculum & Syllabus (M.Tech. – Information Technology) 

Coming Soon
  • UG B. Tech - Information Technology
  • PG M. Tech - Information Technology
  • Ph. D - Information Technology in Faculties of Information and Communication Engineering (ICE), Anna University.


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Achievements & Awards

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Magazine & Newsletter

A department newsletter in a technical institution is a valu...

A department newsletter in a technical institution is a valu...

A department newsletter in a technical institution is a valu...

Our Department Faculty Members

Dr. P. Meenakshi Devi

Dr. P. Meenakshi Devi

Professor & Director Academics

Dr. S. Anguraj

Dr. S. Anguraj

Assistant Professor & Head

Dr. K. Balamurugan

Dr. K. Balamurugan

Associate Professor






Associate Professor

Suganya S

Suganya S

Assistant Professor

Saran Sujai T

Saran Sujai T

Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor

Mr.T.Sathish kumar

Mr.T.Sathish kumar

Assistant Professor

Sowmiya R

Sowmiya R

Assistant Professor

Dharani  G

Dharani G

Assistant Professor

Samya Devi V

Samya Devi V

Assistant Professor

Sethupathi S

Sethupathi S

Assistant Professor

Dr. T. Kavitha

Dr. T. Kavitha

Professor / Physics

Dr.P. Shanmugasudaram

Dr.P. Shanmugasudaram

Professor / Maths

Veerasamy R

Veerasamy R

Associate Professor /Chemistry

Raja Sekar P

Raja Sekar P

Assistant Professor / Maths



Assistant Professor /English

R Kavitha

R Kavitha

Assistant Professor / Maths


Research work is a important part of every department at K.S.R. College of Engineering. Here’s the roundup of the research work – publications, patents, Grants and programs organized by the department.

Grants Received
Books Published
Programs Organized
Programs Attended

Industry Interaction

Each department has connections with relevant industry professionals, tie-ups through MOUs with companies in order to facilitate Internships, Industry visits, Projects, Knowledge Sharing Expert Sessions by industry experts. This greatly helps us to bring in the industry-perspective into the courses being taught and a hands-on learning for the students.

Industrial Visit

Innovative Teaching and Learning


Association and Events Archives


Value Added Courses




Department Library


Student Skill Development


Student Chapter



What Our Alumni Students Say

I'm so grateful for the experiences and connections I made during my time at KSR College of Engineering. Department Information Technology helped me develop valuable skills and knowledge that have been instrumental in my success. The faculty and staff were supportive and inspiring, and my fellow alumni have become a lifelong network of friends and mentors. KSRCE was a transformative experience that shaped my skills, knowledge, and network. I'm proud to be part of a community that continues to inspire and support me in my personal and professional journey."


Associate Consultant, Virtusa, Chennai

My memories in KSR College are mostly magical. Which has helped as a building block for my career helping me in what I am today. The engaging classes I took and wonderful professors I worked with encouraged me to become a software engineer.


Software Engineer, Virtusa Consulting Services Private Limited. Chennai.

Department Office

Dr. S. Anguraj

HoD / IT

Phone : 6383745401
Email :

Dr. K. Balamurugan

Associate Professor / IT

Phone : 9942544353
Email :

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