Power Electronics Lab

EEE Lab Infrastructure


Faculty In-Charge: Mrs.B.Yuvarani

List of Major Equipment:

1. Analog ,  Digital oscilloscope and Function generator

2. Diode, SCR, TRIAC,MOSFET , IGBT ,DIAC  and  BJT module

3. Isolation Transformer

4. Single & Three  phase converter firing unit ( μ p based )

5. DC chopper firing unit

6. Chopper firing unit

7. Bridge inverter firing unit

8. TRIAC firing unit

9. Single phase dual converter firing unit

10. single phase IGBT / MOSFET based PWM inverter firing unit

11. SCR, MOSFET, IGBT  and  SCR Characteristic Trainer

12. phase control trainer

13. TRIAC phase control trainer

14. Single phase variable capacitor

15. Inductor module

16. Load inductor with tapping

17. Capacitor module

18. Single phase variable inductor

19. LC & RC module  R,RC,UJT Firing model

20. Commutation chopper circuit

21. Single phase cyclo converter Kit

22. Single phase series inverter Kit

23. Single phase parallel inverter Kit

24. THREE phase HALF/ FULLY controlled bridge converter Kit

25. PMDC motor and Voltage stabilizer 5KVA