Department: Computer Science and Engineering
CSE department was started in the year 2001-2002 with the intake of 60 students under the affiliation of Periyar University.
Academic Year (2022-2023)
- 60% of our students got placed in many prestigious organizations.
- Highest package 7.2 LPA, Average package 4.9 LPA and Lowest package 3.3 LPA.
- 20 students got INTERNSHIP.
- Faculty members had published totally 5 papers. 5 papers in Scopus index.
- One research scholar had completed Ph.D under this research centre.
- Conducted 1 online exam of about 28,000 under consultancy scheme for District Institute of Education and Training.
- MoU signed with prestigious organizations One yes InfoTech Solutions, Red Fowl InfoTech Private Limited and Celonis.
- 41 Students were participated in Paper Presentation outside the college.
- 6 Students were participated in Workshop outside the college.
- 6 Students were participated in Technical Event –Hackers ERA outside the college.
- 3 Students were participated in EMPOWER 2022 outside the college.
- 2 Students were participated in Quiz outside the college.
- 6 Students won prize in Paper Presentation, Quiz and Technical Event –Hackers ERA outside the college.
- Banu Priya had completed training conducted by VVDN and got certified.
- Keerthana,and M.Namashivayam undergone industrial training conducted by “Wipro“ for “PRP” Program .
- K.Nivodhini undergone industrial training conducted by Wipro on “Big Data”.
- Online six day faculty development training Programme on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning” is going to conduct tentatively on 6.02.2023 to 11.02.2023.
- Dr.E.Baby Anitha had published a patent on “Method and Apparatus for Face Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence”.
- V.Sharmila,Dr.V.Vennila,Dr.M.Somu,Dr.K.Kumaresan,Mr.M.Azhagesan, Dr.C.Anand and Dr.N.Saravanan has filed a patent on “Health Monitoring System”.
- K. Venkatesh Guru and J.Nirmala Gandhi had published a book named “Fundamental of Python Programming” in Scientific International publishing house.
Academic Year (2021-2022)
- MoU signed with prestigious organizations E-cap, Larsen & Toubro,Juniper Networks,Maximl,Lumina Datamatics for student training.
- 70% of our students got placed in many prestigious organizations
- Highest package 7.2 LPA- Average package 4.9 LPA - Lowest package 2.15 LPA.
- 49 students got Internship.
- Faculty members had published totally 18 papers. 6 papers in Scopus index and 6 papers in SCI.
- Two research scholars had completed Ph.D under this research centre.
- Conducted 2 online exams of about 1,64,630 under consultancy scheme.
- Dr.E.Baby Anitha and Mr.M.Shankarhad published a patent.
- Organized 6 Days online training program on “Deep learning technique –A practical perspective”.
- Organized Online 6 days FDP on Internet Programming.
- Had undertaken consultancy like UGC –NET Exam and NIT Trichy Exam.
- Mrs.V.Shanmughavalli had completed “TTT”exam conducted by Virtusa.
Academic Year (2020-2021)
- MoU signed with prestigious organizations Great Learning, Top Fresher’s Academy for student training.
- 80% of our students got placed in many prestigious organizations.
- 16 students got Internship.
- Highest package 5 .5 LPA- Average package 3.47 LPA – Lowest package 2 LPA.
- Faculty members had published totally 44 papers. 16 paper in Scopus index and 7 paper in SCI.
- Under external research centre, two faculty completed Ph.D.
- Under this research centre, 2 research scholars had completed Ph.D.
- Conducted 6 online exams of about 85,422under consultancy scheme.
- Dr.N.S.Nithya, Dr.K.Vengateshguru ,Mrs J.Nirmalagandhi and Mr.T.Thangarasan had published patents.
- Mr.Kumaresan had published a book named “Optimization Techniques In Wireless Body Area Networks” in AkiNik Publishers.
- AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Current Trends and Challenges in Health Care Informatics and Technology.
- AICTE Sponsored FDP on Intelligent Objects & Technologies for Building Applications on Data Science With Machine Learning Techniques Using Internet Of Things.
- ICSSR Sponsored Cyber Security Awareness Training Programme for Women Welfare.
Academic Year (2019-2020)
- Signed MoU with AICTE for student training.
- 75% students got placed in many prestigious organizations
- 37 students got internship.
- Highest package 6 LPA- Average package 3.19 LPA - Lowest package 1.20 LPA.
- Faculty members had published totally 33 papers. 10 paper in Scopus index and 10 paper in SCI.
- One of the faculty member had completed Ph.D under external research centre.
- Under this research centre 2 research scholars had completed Ph.D.
- Conducted 6online exams of about 4, 49,699 under consultancy scheme.
- Dr.V.Vennila had published a chapter.
- Dr.N.S.Nithya and Mr.K.Muthukumaran, Mr.K.VengateshGuru, Dr.T. Poongothai had published patents.
- Organized National Conference on “Recent trends in Information, Communication and Computing Techniques” (RTICCT’20).
- Organized Technical Symposium.
- Organized 10days Online Faculty Development Programme.
- Organized AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Current Trends and Challenges in Health Care Informatics and Technology
- Faculty Mrs.P.Vasuki had completed TTT exam conducted by Virtusa.
Academic Year (2018-2019)
- MoU signed with RedHat.
- 50 of our students and faculty members successfully completed NPTEL course offered by IIT funded and supported by MHRD.
- Financial grant received from various funding agencies: Rs.72,000
- Number of patents applied: 3
- Number of patents published : 1
- Number of faculty publications: 43
- Number of student publications: 38
- Number of students got placement through campus interview: 112
- Number of students participated in extension activities : 629
- Number of seminar and workshops organized: 9
- Number of faculty members produced by 100% Results : 22
- Number of Scholars completed Ph.D course : 4
- Number of students successfully completed the course: 132
- 100 of our students enrolled for employability assessment exams like Amcat and Cocubes.
Academic Year (2017-2018)
- 100 students of our department actively participated in NEW INDIA STUDENT CHAMPIONSHIP 2018 The Largest Learnathon of India conducted by ICTACT and Saleforce Trailhead.
- Our Student Kartikeyan secured second place in all India level Virtusa Polaris Neural Hack event conducted by Virtusa Polaris.
- Our students achieved second place in sports day.
- 10 of our students are been as intern in reputed companies.
- Our students and faculty members contribution made our college to be listed in top NPTEL 100 active local chapters in India.
- Our student Praveenkumar selected as an ambassador of GuviOnline Portal.
- College received NAAC accreditation with ‘A’ Grade.
- 100 of our students enrolled for employability assessment exams like Amcat and Cocubes.
- Our department has been shifted to ‘F’ block with full furnished class rooms and faculty cabin.
- MoU signed with Virtusa.
- 80 of our students and faculty members successfully completed NPTEL course offered by IIT funded and supported by MHRD.
- Financial grant received from various funding agencies: Rs.70,000
- Number of patents applied: 2
- Number of faculty publications: 20
- Number of students got placement through campus interview: 97
- Number of students participated in extension activities : 677
- Number of seminar and workshops organized: 3
- Number of faculty members produced by 100% Results : 32
- Number of Scholars completed Ph.D course : 3
- Number of students successfully completed the course: 115
Academic Year (2016-2017)
- Curriculum was revised with Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and one credit courses.
- Our student Mohanraj of Final Year CSE got placement in PayPal with a salary of 21 lacs per year.
- 100 of our students enrolled for employability assessment exams like AMCAT and Cocubes.
- Our student Ramya selected as an ambassador of Guvi Online Portal
- CCTV cameras are installed in all the computer laboratories to ensure the effective use of resources.
- Financial grant received from various funding agencies : Rs.50,000
- Number of faculty publications: 8
- Number of students got placement through campus interview: 127
- Number of students participated in extension activities : 484
- Number of seminar and workshops organized: 7
- Number of faculty members produced by 100% Results : 86
- Number of Scholars completed Ph.D course : 2
- Number of students successfully completed the course : 125
Academic Year (2015-2016)
- Our faculty members M.Prakash and Mr.K.Muthukumaranhas successfully passed theTalentNext certification Assessment and recognized as a Mentor for Project Based Learning (PBL) conducted by Wipro
- 100 of our students enrolled for employability assessment exams like AMCAT and Cocubes.
- Number of faculty publications: 29
- Number of Consultancy project: 2
- Number of students got placement through campus interview: 136
- Number of patents applied: 2
- Number of students participated in extension activities : 608
- Financial grant received from various funding agencies : Rs.95,000
- Number of seminar and workshops organized: 7
- Number of faculty members produced by 100% Results : 81
- Number of Scholars completed Ph.Dcourse : 1
- Overall pass percentage of our students : 92.53
- Number of students successfully completed the course : 161
Academic Year (2014-2015)
- Number of faculty publications: 37
- Number of Consultancy project: 2
- Number of students got placement through campus interview: 121
- Number of students participated in extension activities : 350
- Fund received from various funding agencies: Rs.23,075
- Number of seminar and workshops organized: 5
- Number of faculty members produced by 100% Results : 55
- Number of Scholars completed Ph.Dcourse : 2
- Number of students successfully completed the course : 149
Academic Year (2013-2014)
- Intake of M.E(Computer Science and Engineering course increased from 18 to 24.
- Dr.A.Krishnan, Professor of our department was awarded as “Life time Achievement award of ISTE-TN & P section for the year 2013”and honored by Prof. A.K. Natesan, Chairman, Excel group of Institutions, komarapalayam on 11th January, 2014.
- P.Poornimahas achieved gold medal with CGPA 9.45 and C.Janaranjani has obtained universitysecond rank with CGPA 9.34 in the 2013 Passed Out.
- Number of faculty publications: 44
- Number of Consultancy project: 2
- Number of students got placement through campus interview: 65
- Number of students participated in extension activities : 268
- Number of seminar and workshops organized: 3
- Number of faculty members produced by 100% Results : 34
- Number of Scholars completed Ph.Dcourse : 1
- Number of students successfully the course : 123
Academic Year (2012-2013)
- M.E.(Mulitmedia Technology) course is introduced in our department.
- Number of faculty publications : 42
- Number of Consultancy project: 2
- Number of students participated in extension activities : 271
- Number of students got placement through campus interview: 64
- Our department was accredited by WIPRO
- Number of Scholars completed Ph.Dcourse : 3
- Number of faculty members produced by 100% Results : 20
- Number of students successfully the course : 106
Academic Year (2011-2012)
- Eighth National level Technical Symposium (ABLAZE – 2K12) was conducted.
- National level Conference on Computer Technological Innovation in Information age Technologies (NCCTIIA’12) was conducted.
- Department Student strength – 603.
- Department Faculty strength – 33.
- Global partnership with Oracle Corporation, New Delhi.
Academic Year (2010-2011)
- Seventh National level Technical Symposium (ABLAZE – 2K11) was conducted.
- National level Conference on Computer Technological Innovation in Information age Technologies (NCCTIIA’11) was conducted.
- Department Student strength – 513.
- Department Faculty strength – 33.
- CISCO Network Academy is established.