Model Laboratory

Name of the Model
Plate Girder Bridge
RCC Deck Slab bridge
RCC Balance Cantilever Bridge
Road Culvert with RCC Slab
Clover Leaf Junction
Diamond Pattern
Cross Section of National Highway
Points & Crossing (Railway Track)
Interlocking (Railway Track)
Grillage Foundation
Bricks (set of 10 different type)
Ranking Shores
Flyking Shores
Carpentry Joints set of 20 wooden Joints
King post Truss
Queen post Truss
Joints of Truss (set of 4 joints)
Steel roof Truss
North light roof truss
Coffer Dam
Gravity Dam
Arch Dam
Buttress Dam
Earthern Dam
River Head work
Tank Weir
Canal intake
Canal Drop
Canal Regulator
Fish ladder
Siphon aqueduct
Supper passage to two spans
Hydraulic jump
Sluice gate
Slow sand filter
Rapid sand filter
Sedimentation tank (Sewerage system)
Trickling filter
Septic tank (waste disposal unit)
Imhoff tank
Model board of sanitary fitting
Model board of pipe fittings
Model of tube well
A simple supported beam
A continuous Slab
A simply Supported slab
A Two – way Reinforced slab
A beam with an over-hanging on one side
A continuous span of 3 span
A column and column base
A combined footing
A cantilever retaining wall
A counter retaining wall
A lintel cum sun shade
A slab reinforcement with T-beam


Lab Incharge:

Mr.K.Selvakumar M.E