4.4.2 Established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities



  • The Institution has established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities such as Laboratories, Computer Systems, Sports facilities etc.

  • The maintenance of various facilities are carried out by the respective maintenance committee and hands of the department/sections, with the support of estate officer/housekeeping. Staff on daily basis and periodically. Necessary care has been taken to keep the equipment and machines in working conditions. In case of break down standard procedure is followed to bring this in working condition. Supervisors and technicians are appointed to monitor and maintain physical facilities and housekeeping.

Maintenance Committee

  • The Institution has a separate Maintenance Committee that oversees the maintenance of buildings, classrooms and laboratories. The maintenance officer conducts periodic checks strength and small damage occur. 

  • Adequate in - house staff are employed to meticulously maintain hygiene, cleanliness and infrastructure in the campus so as to provide a congenial learning environment. Classrooms, Staffrooms, Seminar halls and Laboratories, etc are cleaned regularly. Wash rooms and rest rooms are well maintained. Dustbins are placed in every floor. The Green Cover of the campus is well maintained by a full time gardener

  • Civil maintenance team is involved in the maintenance of building facilities. This team looks after the regular maintenance of civil works such as furniture repairs, masonry and plaster works, painting, carpentry and plumbing. Housekeeping staff look after the maintenance of rest rooms, approach roads and neatness of the entire premises. Housekeeping services are regularly executed and monitored.

Laboratory Maintenance

  • Heads of the Department in consultation with the lab in-charges and technical staff oversee the maintenance of the academic facilities pertaining to their laboratories, workshops and classrooms. Calibration of the meters and equipment is done by third-party companies on regular basis, to ensure accurate reading for the experiments conducted in the laboratories.

Electrical Maintenance

  • The electrical maintenance section is headed by the HOD/EEE.A senior in professor in the electrical department is supported by electrical team in the campus with the help of Electrical Engineer, Supervisor and Electricians.

  • This section take care of Installation of new electrical appliances, electrical maintenance of .The Earthing contains Power plant and power consumption of all electrical systems are periodically checked to ensure safety of personels.

 Computer Maintenance

  • Computers are maintained in the Institution by a team called ITES under the supervision of HOD/CSE. This division provides the integrated IT services like smooth running of automation, up-gradation and maintenance of automation package, institution website, biometric services, troubleshooting of hardware, networking equipment’s including internet connectivity, procurement of hardware,software and CCTV.

  • Laboratory assistants under the supervision of the System administrator maintain the efficiency of the computers and accessories in the institution.

Transport Maintenance

  • The buses are covering all the routes of 60km  radius from college for the use of faculty and students. The Emergency Van(Ambulance)is available in the institution with round the clock for students and faculty at the time of emergency.

  • Separate workshop is available for the maintenance of buses and other vehicles.

Library Maintenance

  • The Library is headed by a librarian and supported by the assistant librarian, supporting staff (Senior and junior clerks) for Journal and Reference sections. In addition to the above staff, juniors Assistants and attenders will help the students for searching and lending of the books in the library. The books are maintained by rebounding the books. The book volumes of journals are bound periodically for further use by faculty and students.

Physical Education Department Maintenance

  • The Physical education department is facilitated by the physical director  to educate the students in sports and fitness. The marker in the physical education department makes the playfield ready for the students, by marking the ground and providing the play kits.

Security Maintenance

  • The Security of the institution is taken care by the Security Head. He is supported by a Security officer and the sergeant. Security officer assigns the duty to the security guards to control and monitor the institution and its premises.

  • The institution is fully equipped with CCTV surveillance camera, where security officer’s monitor frequently in-order to avoid any unnecessary incidents.

Solar Energy System Maintenance

  • The Institution has provided clean and green energy. Provision of Solar Energy system installed on roof of the institution which meets the electricity demand of institution about 120kw. This energy is used as power backup supply during      power cut from electricity department. Solar Energy Power Plant and use of Solar Energy further helps in reduction of the Carbon Footprints. and the solar power systems are periodically maintained.

RO Maintenance

  • In the institution, drinking water is purified by modern treatment technology using Filtration, Ion exchange and Reverse osmosis. R.O. plants are in operation to cater the drinking water needs of all the students, staff members, supporting staff and the visitors.

Bio Gas

  • Bio gas, the naturally formed bio fuel is generated from Organic matter through Anaerobic Digestion. In a way to contribute towards the nation’s energy saving plans, the Institution has constructed its own Bio-Gas plant in the campus. The gas generated is used for cooking purposes in Ladies Hostel and it also helps to recycle the waste to control methane pollution.

Sewage Water Maintenance

  • Sewage water treatment plant in available in the institution with an  input of 1.5lks Ltrs/day and output of 1lakhs Ltrs/day which is used to maintain greenery of the institution.

Fire Protecting System Maintenance

  • Fire Fighting/Protecting System is mounted/installed all over the blocks, where Fire extinguishers and wall-mounted fire hose reels with dry risers are maintained every two years and all other fire safety equipment are maintained as per the norms, and the extinguishers are visibly checked and used extinguishers are replaced with new one immediately.Also all the computing laboratories are fitted with smoke sensors/detectors to avoid firing from the power cables.