7.1.3 Facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types of degradable and non - degradable waste



Campus Solid Waste Management program is implemented to segregate and recycle organic waste, paper, cartons, paper cups, soft drink tins, plastic, pet bottles, e-waste, biowaste, etc. Solid waste is segregated into degradable and non-degradable and handed over to the authorities concerned. Each block and each floor is provided with dry waste collecting bins, waste collected every day is handed over to the local municipal authorities. There are dustbins placed at specific points to prevent littering in the campus. The college is striving to be a plastic free zone and in the process of establishing of vertical garden with the available waste pet bottles and making the campus eco-friendly and greenery to reduce global warming. On campus use of plastic is discouraged. Plastic cups, metal tins and paper cups are banned in the campus. The hot beverages are served in steel mugs/glass. Awareness posters and pamphlets are displayed in prime locations of the campus. Dry leaves are allowed to decompose systematically over a period to be used as manure for the gardens in the institute. The food and vegetable wastes are used for biogas plant of the campus. Answer booklets, Old waste papers, practical papers and woodcrafts are sent to nearby paper and board industry for recycling.

Incinerator machine has been installed to dispose sanitary napkins and Separate bins are provided in Ladies Hostel to separate the napkins from other waste. Sanitary napkin

Incinerator with wet scrubber (for pollution control) is installed for disposing the napkins. Wet scrubber is attached at the outlet of burner fumes where the fumes get scrubbed in water and get filtered to remove the harmful emissions.

Totally 3 Incinerator machines are installed in hostels.


Sewage treatment plant of capacity 1,50,000liters per day at a cost of Rs 49,50,000 has been established. A screening chamber and an aerator which supplies oxygen in the aeration tank for effective growth of microbes, secondary settling tank to remove the bio flocs and chlorination tank to destroy the pathogenic microbes in the treated effluent are installed in the campus and properly maintained.


The E-waste management has been given due focus and all Electronic goods are put to optimum use, the minor repairs are done to set right the equipment by the staff and the Laboratory assistants and the major repairs, by the professional technicians, and are reused. Electronic waste items are taken care by the Institute. Obsolete electronic items such as monitors, computers, batteries etc. are segregated and sold as scrap every academic year.


The wastewater originating from the bathrooms and toilets are collected by two-pipe system, where one pipe carries wastewater due to bathing, washing of clothes and cleaning and the other one carries human faeces and night soil. This system of collection facilitates proper and effective treatment and disposal of sewage. The recycled water is utilized for plantation and garden area. An average of 5000 cum/year is used for irrigating plants in the campus.

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