7.1.8 Describe the Institutional efforts / initiatives in providing an inclusive environment

 K.S.R. College of Engineering caters to the inclusive environment with diversity in terms of culture, region, linguistic, communal, socioeconomic and other aspects through various co – curricular activities. All category of students are taken care to maintain social harmony by promoting various activities related to them. The ultimate harmony of the nation is attained based on the universal human values they learn and followed in every one’s life. The process of value formation concerning the different stages of development and cultural highlighting contests the relationship between the individual and the society is promoted in the institution.

Efforts to handle Cultural diversity

K.S.R. College of Engineering accommodates the cultural diversity of students by encouraging them to exchange the cross cultural ideas and celebrations of the festivals of different culture and their values. Students from the other states are motivated to participate in the cultural festivals of Tamil Nadu. The cultural festivals greetings are exchanged by faculty and students during festivals like “Pongal – Festival of Harvesting”, Onam, local festival Aadi Perukku are celebrated with traditional flavour. Faculty and students exchange greetings during festivals seasons of all religions; Ramadan, Bakrid, Christmas, Easter Sunday etc. The institution has committees to avert any kind of activity disturbing the communal harmony in the campus with zero tolerance. The institution promotes values concern to be rooted in contemporary contexts on various social issues like gender equity and environmental sustainability are inculcated through, tree plantation drives, propagating saving of water, river beds, aquafers, clean India campaign, non-use of plastics campaigns. K.S.R. College of Engineering students conduct rallies to create awareness among public on all the above issues. Students have participated in cleaning places of important in and around the college.

Efforts to handle Regional diversity

K.S.R. College of Engineering always managing cultural diversity in religious differences. This includes schedule changes, dress code exceptions, and excused absences from programs that might be conflictive with the students and employee’s beliefs.

The institution has put in place a zero-tolerance policy to handle misconduct and misbehaviour of students with ethnic graphs. These include offensive jokes about ethnicity, gender or religion, slurs and any other intentional abusive behaviours.

Efforts to handle Linguistic diversity

The institution always ensure culturally inclusive communication with employees and students in order to manage a diverse workforce. All procedures, safety rules, and other important information are designed properly in order to overcome the language barriers. Translating materials like symbols and pictures is fixed in important places to make everyone feel included.

Efforts to handle Communal diversity

The students and the faculty of all the communities and religions (OC -2.44%, BC-57.24%, MBC-33.7% & SC/ST-6.62%) are a part of the institution which shows that the institute strives to provide conducive environment for all. We are proud to report that there is no incidents and complaints of communal classes in the campus.

Efforts to handle Socio-economic diversity

The institution has taken initiatives to accommodate student from socio-economic groups by providing fee concessions and scholarships in admitting students under management quota.

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